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Volusion online store solution is very intuitive in usage and Provide Support live chat tool can be integrated with it fast and easily. However, you should take into account that in some sections of Volusion theme custom scripts are not allowed. For your convenience we prepared detailed integration guide which will help to place your live chat button on your Volusion store. This instruction is valid for Volusion V1. Volusion V2 does not allow custom scripts adding.

  1. To start with integration you need to generate the code for your live chat button. If you already have an account, please log into your account Control Panel and follow to My Account / Chat Button Codes page. If you are a new user, please register your free trial account and then follow to My Account / Chat Button Codes page.
  2. On My Account / Chat Button Codes page, please choose 'Fully Featured Chat Button Code with Uploadable Online / Offline Images'.
  3. You can choose the best fitting images for your website from our gallery or upload your own custom icons on Account Settings / Images page in your account Control Panel.
  4. To proceed with integration, please follow Design / File Editor in your Volusion store admin menu and select there Theme files.
  5. In your File Editor / View File insert the code for chat button. We recommend adding it before closing </body> tag.
  6. To save changes, click 'Save' button.

Live Chat Customization tips and tricks

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Support Ukraine button